Summer schools

NAVIGATE project is launching two Summer Schools which will offer the opportunity to graduate students and professionals for a training on current economy-energy-environment modelling challenges and methods, drawing from a pool of experienced professors both internal and external to the project.


The objective of each summer school is to create a community of young scholars from a broad range of disciplines, ranging from environmental and natural resource economists to energy engineers, physicists, system analyst and environmental scientists, interested in integrated assessment modeling applied in the context of climate mitigation, impacts, transition dynamics, and sustainable development.


General Topics

  • Integrated assessment Modeling
  • Sustainable Development and Just Transition
  • The Distribution of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation

The two summer schools will be designed for graduate students and professionals from any university, research institute, or other organization (private companies, government agencies, NGOs) with an interest in environmental issues, integrated assessment modelling and an ability to read and write fluently in English. For applicants from academia, preference will be given to candidates who are enrolled in a Phd program or have received a PhD maximum of 5 years ago. For all other applicants (e.g. from policy institutions, NGOs, businesses), the preference is to attract candidates who have a maximum of 5 years of experience in their field of expertise.

The teaching material from the summer schools developed by IAM teams in NAVIGATE will be made openly available. Relevant material will be translated into Chinese.


Locations and dates

Paris, France (Summer 2022) and Como Lake, Italy (Summer 2023)